Saturday, November 22, 2008

Is it Ethical to Fundraise for Profit Using Network Marketing?

With the economy the way it is, we all could use a little help. What if you could raise funds for the charity of your choice by recruiting associates while making a profit yourself? Is this ethical? I think that a starving or sick child wouldn’t really care if the money that is saving his/her life came from network marketing as long as it can provide help.

These types of home businesses are rare because they usually only benefit the business owners. But what if you could recruit associates and when the associates purchased a product a donation was created for charity? Would this not compel people to create more donations knowing that each time a donation was created they would profit too?

The plus is that the business was started to help charitable organizations thus eliminating the fear of being scammed and/or wasting your time with a business that won’t be around for long. And the feeling you get from helping others is one of the most amazing feelings ever, and that’s all topped off with a healthy balance in your bank account.

It really isn’t a lot of work either and can be done in your spare time. If you just do a little here and a little there it adds up quick and when you see the results it can become quite addicting. For myself, that first check that was cut to charity got me hooked and I could see my bank account getting fat fast. And all it took was showing other people how to do what I was showed how to do in the first place.

Since the main goal is to create donations and build large bank accounts everyone involved is on your team and will want to help you to succeed as much as they can. The fact that your success equals success for charities and the team members alike makes this type of business foolproof. You cannot lose if you simply follow the directions given to you in the beginning. All it takes it a little motivation and a bit of determination, if you have those two traits there is nothing that can hold you back.

There is no risk investing in this sort of business since a large part of your purchase is going to a charity and a part of it is going into the business that is working to help charities. Once you have purchased you have already done a good deed and by finding others willing to do good deeds too, it will in turn benefit you. It is all very satisfying.

Nickolas Poce, a husband and father of two, currently drives tow truck for a living. He has recently started The Deliverance Project to help charities across the globe.
Read more about Nick at

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